Routine Name |
Mark of Introduction |
Purpose |
F06AAF | 12 | Generate real plane rotation |
F06BAF | 12 | Generate real plane rotation, storing tangent |
F06BCF | 12 | Recover cosine and sine from given real tangent |
F06BEF | 12 | Generate real Jacobi plane rotation |
F06BHF | 12 | Apply real similarity rotation to 2 by 2 symmetric matrix |
F06BLF | 12 | Compute quotient of two real scalars, with overflow flag |
F06BMF | 12 | Compute Euclidean norm from scaled form |
F06BNF | 12 | Compute square root of (a2+b2), real a and b |
F06BPF | 12 | Compute eigenvalue of 2 by 2 real symmetric matrix |
F06CAF | 12 | Generate complex plane rotation, storing tangent, real cosine |
F06CBF | 12 | Generate complex plane rotation, storing tangent, real sine |
F06CCF | 12 | Recover cosine and sine from given complex tangent, real cosine |
F06CDF | 12 | Recover cosine and sine from given complex tangent, real sine |
F06CHF | 12 | Apply complex similarity rotation to 2 by 2 Hermitian matrix |
F06CLF | 12 | Compute quotient of two complex scalars, with overflow flag |
F06DBF | 12 | Broadcast scalar into integer vector |
F06DFF | 12 | Copy integer vector |
F06EAF | 12 | Dot product of two real vectors |
F06ECF | 12 | Add scalar times real vector to real vector |
F06EDF | 12 | Multiply real vector by scalar |
F06EFF | 12 | Copy real vector |
F06EGF | 12 | Swap two real vectors |
F06EJF | 12 | Compute Euclidean norm of real vector |
F06EKF | 12 | Sum absolute values of real vector elements |
F06EPF | 12 | Apply real plane rotation |
F06ERF | 14 | Dot product of two real sparse vectors |
F06ETF | 14 | Add scalar times real sparse vector to real sparse vector |
F06EUF | 14 | Gather real sparse vector |
F06EVF | 14 | Gather and set to zero real sparse vector |
F06EWF | 14 | Scatter real sparse vector |
F06EXF | 14 | Apply plane rotation to two real sparse vectors |
F06FAF | 12 | Compute cosine of angle between two real vectors |
F06FBF | 12 | Broadcast scalar into real vector |
F06FCF | 12 | Multiply real vector by diagonal matrix |
F06FDF | 12 | Multiply real vector by scalar, preserving input vector |
F06FEF | 21 | Multiply real vector by reciprocal of scalar |
F06FGF | 12 | Negate real vector |
F06FJF | 12 | Update Euclidean norm of real vector in scaled form |
F06FKF | 12 | Compute weighted Euclidean norm of real vector |
F06FLF | 12 | Elements of real vector with largest and smallest absolute value |
F06FPF | 12 | Apply real symmetric plane rotation to two vectors |
F06FQF | 12 | Generate sequence of real plane rotations |
F06FRF | 12 | Generate real elementary reflection, NAG style |
F06FSF | 12 | Generate real elementary reflection, LINPACK style |
F06FTF | 12 | Apply real elementary reflection, NAG style |
F06FUF | 12 | Apply real elementary reflection, LINPACK style |
F06GAF | 12 | Dot product of two complex vectors, unconjugated |
F06GBF | 12 | Dot product of two complex vectors, conjugated |
F06GCF | 12 | Add scalar times complex vector to complex vector |
F06GDF | 12 | Multiply complex vector by complex scalar |
F06GFF | 12 | Copy complex vector |
F06GGF | 12 | Swap two complex vectors |
F06GRF | 14 | Dot product of two complex sparse vector, unconjugated |
F06GSF | 14 | Dot product of two complex sparse vector, conjugated |
F06GTF | 14 | Add scalar times complex sparse vector to complex sparse vector |
F06GUF | 14 | Gather complex sparse vector |
F06GVF | 14 | Gather and set to zero complex sparse vector |
F06GWF | 14 | Scatter complex sparse vector |
F06HBF | 12 | Broadcast scalar into complex vector |
F06HCF | 12 | Multiply complex vector by complex diagonal matrix |
F06HDF | 12 | Multiply complex vector by complex scalar, preserving input vector |
F06HGF | 12 | Negate complex vector |
F06HPF | 12 | Apply complex plane rotation |
F06HQF | 12 | Generate sequence of complex plane rotations |
F06HRF | 12 | Generate complex elementary reflection |
F06HTF | 12 | Apply complex elementary reflection |
F06JDF | 12 | Multiply complex vector by real scalar |
F06JJF | 12 | Compute Euclidean norm of complex vector |
F06JKF | 12 | Sum absolute values of complex vector elements |
F06JLF | 12 | Index, real vector element with largest absolute value |
F06JMF | 12 | Index, complex vector element with largest absolute value |
F06KCF | 12 | Multiply complex vector by real diagonal matrix |
F06KDF | 12 | Multiply complex vector by real scalar, preserving input vector |
F06KEF | 21 | Multiply complex vector by reciprocal of real scalar |
F06KFF | 12 | Copy real vector to complex vector |
F06KJF | 12 | Update Euclidean norm of complex vector in scaled form |
F06KLF | 12 | Last non-negligible element of real vector |
F06KPF | 12 | Apply real plane rotation to two complex vectors |
F06PAF | 12 | Matrix-vector product, real rectangular matrix |
F06PBF | 12 | Matrix-vector product, real rectangular band matrix |
F06PCF | 12 | Matrix-vector product, real symmetric matrix |
F06PDF | 12 | Matrix-vector product, real symmetric band matrix |
F06PEF | 12 | Matrix-vector product, real symmetric packed matrix |
F06PFF | 12 | Matrix-vector product, real triangular matrix |
F06PGF | 12 | Matrix-vector product, real triangular band matrix |
F06PHF | 12 | Matrix-vector product, real triangular packed matrix |
F06PJF | 12 | System of equations, real triangular matrix |
F06PKF | 12 | System of equations, real triangular band matrix |
F06PLF | 12 | System of equations, real triangular packed matrix |
F06PMF | 12 | Rank-1 update, real rectangular matrix |
F06PPF | 12 | Rank-1 update, real symmetric matrix |
F06PQF | 12 | Rank-1 update, real symmetric packed matrix |
F06PRF | 12 | Rank-2 update, real symmetric matrix |
F06PSF | 12 | Rank-2 update, real symmetric packed matrix |
F06QFF | 13 | Matrix copy, real rectangular or trapezoidal matrix |
F06QHF | 13 | Matrix initialization, real rectangular matrix |
F06QJF | 13 | Permute rows or columns, real rectangular matrix, permutations represented by an integer array |
F06QKF | 13 | Permute rows or columns, real rectangular matrix, permutations represented by a real array |
F06QMF | 13 | Orthogonal similarity transformation of real symmetric matrix as a sequence of plane rotations |
F06QPF | 13 | QR factorization by sequence of plane rotations, rank-1 update of real upper triangular matrix |
F06QQF | 13 | QR factorization by sequence of plane rotations, real upper triangular matrix augmented by a full row |
F06QRF | 13 | QR or RQ factorization by sequence of plane rotations, real upper Hessenberg matrix |
F06QSF | 13 | QR or RQ factorization by sequence of plane rotations, real upper spiked matrix |
F06QTF | 13 | QR factorization of UZ or RQ factorization of ZU, U real upper triangular, Z a sequence of plane rotations |
F06QVF | 13 | Compute upper Hessenberg matrix by sequence of plane rotations, real upper triangular matrix |
F06QWF | 13 | Compute upper spiked matrix by sequence of plane rotations, real upper triangular matrix |
F06QXF | 13 | Apply sequence of plane rotations, real rectangular matrix |
F06RAF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, real general matrix |
F06RBF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, real band matrix |
F06RCF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, real symmetric matrix |
F06RDF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, real symmetric matrix, packed storage |
F06REF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, real symmetric band matrix |
F06RJF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, real trapezoidal/triangular matrix |
F06RKF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, real triangular matrix, packed storage |
F06RLF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, real triangular band matrix |
F06RMF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, real Hessenberg matrix |
F06RNF | 21 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, real tridiagonal matrix |
F06RPF | 21 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, real symmetric tridiagonal matrix |
F06SAF | 12 | Matrix-vector product, complex rectangular matrix |
F06SBF | 12 | Matrix-vector product, complex rectangular band matrix |
F06SCF | 12 | Matrix-vector product, complex Hermitian matrix |
F06SDF | 12 | Matrix-vector product, complex Hermitian band matrix |
F06SEF | 12 | Matrix-vector product, complex Hermitian packed matrix |
F06SFF | 12 | Matrix-vector product, complex triangular matrix |
F06SGF | 12 | Matrix-vector product, complex triangular band matrix |
F06SHF | 12 | Matrix-vector product, complex triangular packed matrix |
F06SJF | 12 | System of equations, complex triangular matrix |
F06SKF | 12 | System of equations, complex triangular band matrix |
F06SLF | 12 | System of equations, complex triangular packed matrix |
F06SMF | 12 | Rank-1 update, complex rectangular matrix, unconjugated vector |
F06SNF | 12 | Rank-1 update, complex rectangular matrix, conjugated vector |
F06SPF | 12 | Rank-1 update, complex Hermitian matrix |
F06SQF | 12 | Rank-1 update, complex Hermitian packed matrix |
F06SRF | 12 | Rank-2 update, complex Hermitian matrix |
F06SSF | 12 | Rank-2 update, complex Hermitian packed matrix |
F06TAF | 21 | Matrix-vector product, complex symmetric matrix |
F06TBF | 21 | Rank-1 update, complex symetric matrix |
F06TCF | 21 | Matrix-vector product, complex symmetric packed matrix |
F06TDF | 21 | Rank-1 update, complex symetric packed matrix |
F06TFF | 13 | Matrix copy, complex rectangular or trapezoidal matrix |
F06THF | 13 | Matrix initialization, complex rectangular matrix |
F06TMF | 13 | Unitary similarity transformation of Hermitian matrix as a sequence of plane rotations |
F06TPF | 13 | QR factorization by sequence of plane rotations, rank-1 update of complex upper triangular matrix |
F06TQF | 13 | QR×k factorization by sequence of plane rotations, complex upper triangular matrix augmented by a full row |
F06TRF | 13 | QR or RQ factorization by sequence of plane rotations, complex upper Hessenberg matrix |
F06TSF | 13 | QR or RQ factorization by sequence of plane rotations, complex upper spiked matrix |
F06TTF | 13 | QR factorization of UZ or RQ factorization of ZU, U complex upper triangular, Z a sequence of plane rotations |
F06TVF | 13 | Compute upper Hessenberg matrix by sequence of plane rotations, complex upper triangular matrix |
F06TWF | 13 | Compute upper spiked matrix by sequence of plane rotations, complex upper triangular matrix |
F06TXF | 13 | Apply sequence of plane rotations, complex rectangular matrix, real cosine and complex sine |
F06TYF | 13 | Apply sequence of plane rotations, complex rectangular matrix, complex cosine and real sine |
F06UAF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex general matrix |
F06UBF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex band matrix |
F06UCF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex Hermitian matrix |
F06UDF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex Hermitian matrix, packed storage |
F06UEF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex Hermitian band matrix |
F06UFF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex symmetric matrix |
F06UGF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex symmetric matrix, packed storage |
F06UHF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex symmetric band matrix |
F06UJF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex trapezoidal/triangular matrix |
F06UKF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex triangular matrix, packed storage |
F06ULF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex triangular band matrix |
F06UMF | 15 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex Hessenberg matrix |
F06UNF | 21 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex tridiagonal matrix |
F06UPF | 21 | 1-norm, ∞-norm, Frobenius norm, largest absolute element, complex Hermitian tridiagonal matrix |
F06VJF | 13 | Permute rows or columns, complex rectangular matrix, permutations represented by an integer array |
F06VKF | 13 | Permute rows or columns, complex rectangular matrix, permutations represented by a real array |
F06VXF | 13 | Apply sequence of plane rotations, complex rectangular matrix, real cosine and sine |
F06YAF | 14 | Matrix-matrix product, two real rectangular matrices |
F06YCF | 14 | Matrix-matrix product, one real symmetric matrix, one real rectangular matrix |
F06YFF | 14 | Matrix-matrix product, one real triangular matrix, one real rectangular matrix |
F06YJF | 14 | Solves a system of equations with multiple right-hand sides, real triangular coefficient matrix |
F06YPF | 14 | Rank-k update of a real symmetric matrix |
F06YRF | 14 | Rank-2k update of a real symmetric matrix |
F06ZAF | 14 | Matrix-matrix product, two complex rectangular matrices |
F06ZCF | 14 | Matrix-matrix product, one complex Hermitian matrix, one complex rectangular matrix |
F06ZFF | 14 | Matrix-matrix product, one complex triangular matrix, one complex rectangular matrix |
F06ZJF | 14 | Solves system of equations with multiple right-hand sides, complex triangular coefficient matrix |
F06ZPF | 14 | Rank-k update of a complex Hermitian matrix |
F06ZRF | 14 | Rank-2k update of a complex Hermitian matrix |
F06ZTF | 14 | Matrix-matrix product, one complex symmetric matrix, one complex rectangular matrix |
F06ZUF | 14 | Rank-k update of a complex symmetric matrix |
F06ZWF | 14 | Rank-2k update of a complex symmetric matrix |